Visiting Truckee-Tahoe? Take the Traveler Responsibility Pledge to become a smart, safe, and respectful traveler. Together, with your help, we can ensure our natural environment stays in pristine condition for generations to come.

Become a Steward of Truckee-Tahoe
We all have a responsibility to take care of the special places we love. As a visitor, you can become a steward of Truckee-Tahoe by exploring responsibly, adhering to trailhead signage, taking part in voluntourism, packing out what you pack in, sharing your local voice, and shopping local to support small businesses.

Respect the Environment
Tread lightly, take nothing but photos and leave only footprints. There are many ways to respect the environment, but most important is to Leave No Trace & Recreate Responsibly. Pack out everything you pack in, stay on the trail to avoid trampling sensitive plants, pick up after pets and dispose of trash in designated waste bins.

Stay Educated
Planning ahead is safe and smart, so know before you go! Read the Truckee-Tahoe Travel Alert and check current weather and road conditions. A little preparation goes a long way for an enjoyable visit and memorable experiences.

Keep Wildlife Wild
The best way to enjoy Truckee-Tahoe wildlife is from a distance - it keeps them wild and us safe. Never, ever feed wildlife or leave food items unattended. A wild animal that gets a taste of human food can become dangerous and bold. Observe wildlife respectfully, be bear aware, and secure your food to keep wildlife wild.

Be Fire Safe
You can help prevent wildfires! Always check if campfire bans are in effect and remember that during a Red Flag Warning, no open flames are allowed. Check the daily Truckee-Tahoe Travel Alert for more details and read our Visitor's Guide to Wildfire Season to learn how to be safe, prepared and ready for wildfire.

Demonstrate Mindful Travel
Mindful travel comes in a variety of flavors. It can be a kind smile towards others, patience while driving on a busy road, or the decision to stay home when you are feeling ill. Being present and kind during your visit can have a positive impact the community and other travelers.